CIK-Cells therapy

An Individualised Acute Cancer Solution

CIK-Cells (Cytotoxic Immunocompetent Cells) therapy represents a promising advance in the individualised treatment of cancer. This form of immunotherapy, focused specifically on the challenges posed by different types of cancer, offers an acute treatment that can be tailored to the individual needs of each patient.

An Individualised Treatment

 CIK-Cells therapy is characterised by its high degree of personalisation. The immune cells used in this therapy are derived from the patient's own immune system. This minimises the risk of rejection and side effects, while maximising the immune system's ability to target and destroy patient-specific cancer cells.


The Process: From Millions to Billions of Cells

The process begins with the isolation of a few million immune cells from the patient. These cells are then grown in the laboratory under strictly controlled conditions to multiply and differentiate into highly effective CIK-Cells. Through this culture process, these millions of cells are transformed into several billion CIK-Cells ready to be reinjected into the patient.


Acute Intervention

The acute nature of this therapy makes it a particularly attractive option for cancer patients. CIK-Cells are designed to be extremely aggressive against cancer cells, capable of killing malignant cells directly without the need for specific antigen recognition. This makes them effective against a wide range of cancers, including the most refractory and advanced.

The Power of Immunotherapy


CIK-Cells therapy is part of a new line of cancer treatments, harnessing the power of immunotherapy to combat this complex disease. By using the patient's own immune system as a weapon against cancer, this individualised approach offers a new ray of hope for those seeking more targeted and effective treatment options.

CIK-Cells therapy is in line with today's vision of patient-centred cancer treatment, offering an acute, effective and highly individualised treatment solution.

Like many of our other therapies, it can easily be combined with other treatments offered in-house or with other external therapies.

Clearly, given the complexity and importance of these therapies, they need to be discussed in consultation and strictly monitored.