
A global view of the body thanks to a cranial, visceral and structural approach, which acts as much on joint and tissue mobility (fascia concept) as on the circulation of fluids and blood perfusion of body structures. This connective tissue is engrammed following the various shocks of life (physical and psychological).

Osteopathy is a tool which, thanks to its approach and techniques, enables the facial system to regain its "healthy tensegrity", i.e. its ability to stabilise itself naturally.

Tensegrity was a concept used as a model in cellular biomechanics to explain the strength of structures. Tensegrity structures are reticulated systems made up, in space, of isolated quasi-rigid elements compressed by a continuous network of elastic elements in tension.

The system is therefore self-stressing: it is the elastic forces exerted on the skeleton of the cells that hold their shape and therefore the whole structure together.

Osteopathy acts on this fragile balance, which cannot be too rigid (tissue fibrosis), otherwise pathological processes begin. Osteopathy defibroses tissues to restore their elasticity (mobility essential to tissue life).

Indications :

- Joint pain

- Disc problems, root problems,...

- Disc problems, root problems,...

-Digestive and genito-urinary disorders