High-dose ozone therapy
Ozone, a Super Oxygen with Miraculous Properties
Ozone is a highly unstable and reactive compound made up of three oxygen atoms. Used since the early 20th century for its bactericidal and disinfectant properties, its medical history has had its ups and downs. Today, it is back in the spotlight with new therapeutic applications. It has a surprisingly broad spectrum of action, from boosting the immune system to disinfection, via antioxidant and healing properties. At Ozon 2000, a pioneering centre in the field of ozone therapy, we are proud to have been using this technique in our protocols for 10 years.
High-Dose Ozone Therapy: The Ten-Pass Method
High-dose ozone therapy, also known as "Major Autohemotherapy Ozonated" or the "Ten Passages Method," is one of the most effective and comprehensive treatments we offer at Ozon 2000. This method, originally devised by Austrian gynaecologist Johann Lahodny, was developed on the basis of advanced research and extensive clinical practice..
The process
The patient is made comfortable, and a catheter is placed to collect his or her blood. The blood is extracted and fed into a closed, sterile circuit connected to a machine. It is then mixed with an ozone-oxygen complex in a specific proportion. This mixture is reinjected into the patient's circulatory system.
The whole process is repeated ten times during the session. Each time, we draw around 180 ml of blood, which means that we can treat almost 2 litres of blood in a single session.

Systemic effects
What makes this method so special are its systemic effects, i.e. its effects on the entire biological system. The power of high-dose ozone lies in its ability to initiate a cascade of beneficial chemical reactions, which in some cases, according to studies, last for up to a month after a single session. Here are just some of the effects that can be observed:
1. Immune system modulation: Ozone acts as an immunomodulator, helping to regulate and strengthen the body's natural defences. If your immunity is too weak, this therapy will boost your immune system. In the case of an auto-immune disease, where your own immune system is rebelling against you, ozone will act as a mediator and regulate this as much as possible.
2. Tissue oxygenation: Increased oxygenation at cellular level stimulates the production of ATP, the cells' energy currency.
3. Anti-oxidant action: Ozone triggers the production of antioxidant enzymes such as catalase, superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase.
4. Anti-microbial action: The antiviral, bactericidal and fungicidal properties of ozone are well known, making it an effective treatment against a variety of infections.
5. Improved circulation: Ozone contributes to blood fluidity, which improves circulation and reduces the risk of blood clots and ischaemia.
6. Inflammation reduction: Ozone can inhibit the release of inflammatory mediators, offering relief in cases of chronic inflammation.
7. Stimulation of Cellular Regeneration: High-dose ozone therapy accelerates the healing and regeneration of damaged tissue.
As a systemic treatment, high-dose ozone therapy has a very wide range of indications. From luxury prevention, with its formidable detoxifying effect. It is mainly used in the management of cancers, auto-immune diseases, chronic infections, circulatory disorders, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, lyme, long covid, etc.