Platelet-rich plasma
What is known as "PRP" is a special technique which involves drawing 15 ml of the patient's blood using a single syringe under the same conditions as a normal blood test.
Your blood sample is then centrifuged for 5 minutes at 1,500 rpm, separating the different components of the blood and leaving only 5ml of plasma and platelets.
The resulting Platelet Rich Plasma is then injected into the injured area, a joint or tendon, or subcutaneously into the skull and face, to repair tissue and relieve pain. The growth factors released in large numbers by the platelets stimulate the local stem cells, enabling the damaged tissue to heal and reducing inflammation and haemorrhage.
Blood platelets, known as thrombocytes, are cells without a nucleus formed in the bone marrow. They play an essential role in coagulation because they form aggregates which form a real plug around a wound just after it occurs (compression accentuates haemostasis) before the other blood coagulation factors come to a halt.
PRP therefore plays a key role in haemostasis and the treatment of inflammation in sports injuries and osteoarticular problems such as tendonitis of the shoulder (rotator cuff), elbow (epicondylitis or epitrochleitis), Achilles, hip, knee (patellar or quadricipital), plantar fasciitis, acute or chronic muscle injuries, ligament injuries (sprains), articular cartilage injuries or chondropathy, meniscus injuries, osteoarthritis of the knee / hip / ankle and shoulder.
Sachant que le PRP est utilisé depuis de nombreuses années chez les grands brûlés, c’est également un traitement de choix en esthétique pour booster la peau (peaux atones, ridées par le soleil et le tabac, les cicatrices) et favoriser la repousse capillaire (densité capillaire et alopécie). Le plasma riche en plaquettes, injecté dans le visage ou le cuir chevelu sous forme de multiples micro-injections, va booster la synthèse de collagène et d’élastine qui diminue naturellement avec l’âge. Après injection, les plaquettes libèrent leurs facteurs de croissance qui vont stimuler les cellules du derme (les fibroblastes) ou les follicules pileux du cuir chevelu.
Les seules
contre-indications seraient la prise d’AINS, de traitement
liquéfiant le sang, d’état fiévreux, d’allergies ou pour la
femme enceinte.