The DIP method, Dermo-Info-Puncture, is a dermato-somato-emotional re-information method. The work is carried out on the skin, along the acupuncture meridians of Traditional Chinese Medicine, using a very precise gesture. The DIP method is a holistic approach to treating the patient's body, enabling energy blockages to be detected, understood and released.
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is based on a theory of how the human being functions in good health́, from a physiological, psychological, anatomical, etc. point of view. It also attempts to explain the causes of disease and the biological and psychological mechanisms that are their consequences. Chinese medicine seeks to understand the human being as a whole, both healthy and ill, from the point of view of both visible and invisible symptoms, by managing the balance of the internal energy called Qi or Tchi.
The D.I.P. method is particularly well suited to the current trend in "quantum medicine", which focuses on 3 very specific aspects: Matter, Information and Energy: Matter, Information and Energy.
The global nature of the D.I.P. method gives it a relatively wide field of action, depending on the nature of the pathology and the patient's response to treatment:
- Head pathologies:
headaches, facial neuralgia, tinnitus
- Cervical pathologies:
torticolis, cervico-brachialgies
- Shoulder pathologies :
periarthritis, frozen shoulders
- Elbow pathologies:
epicondylitis, epitrochleitis
- Wrist pathologies:
carpal tunnel, tendonitis
- Hand pathologies:
tendinitis of the fingers, rhizarthrosis of the thumb
- Back pathologies:
back pain, intercostal neuralgia
- Lumbar pathologies:
low back pain, lumbago, sciatica
- Hip pathologies :
hip periarthritis, coxarthrosis (pain)
- Knee pathologies:
sprains, tendonitis, gonarthrosis (pain)
- Ankle pathologies :
sprains, tendonitis
- Foot pathologies :
heel spur, plantar pain.
- Certain abdominal or gynaecological pains.