Intermittent hypoxia and hyperoxia: a respiratory revolution
Intermittent hypoxia and hyperoxia (IHHT) is a revolutionary method that exploits the principle of hormesis to rejuvenate our cells. This approach involves subjecting the body to a temporary lack of oxygen, replicating an altitude condition. In response to this stress, the body produces more red blood cells, entering a state of 'super oxygenation'. This has a direct impact on our mitochondria, encouraging the destruction of damaged mitochondria (mitoptosis) and the growth of healthy new mitochondria.
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At our centre, we use specialised equipment called MITOVIT to perform IHHT. During the first session, you are made comfortable and fitted with a hermetically sealed mask. This device generates cycles of hypoxic air (9-15% O2), hyperoxia (30-35% O2) or normoxia (21% O2). You breathe hypoxic air for a few minutes, followed by a period of normoxic or hyperoxic air.
The MITOVIT machine calibrates itself during this first session, adapting to your individual response to hypoxia. This data is then recorded for subsequent sessions. Each session lasts around 45 minutes, during which time your health is constantly monitored.
To reap the benefits of IHHT, we recommend a minimum of five sessions. This is the time needed for your body to initiate and implement the adaptation process.

The benefits
- Improved sleep and relaxation
- Improved mental and physical performance
- Increased resistance to stress
- Weight loss through improved fat burning
- Improved cardiovascular performance, lung function, blood circulation and sugar metabolism
- Lower blood pressure
- Reduced inflammation and pain
Whether you want to improve your general state of health, increase your longevity or enhance your sporting performance, IHHT is an invaluable ally. It is a proven method for optimising our body's potential, particularly recommended for people suffering from chronic and degenerative illnesses, or for sportspeople looking to maximise their performance.