Sensory Cocoon

The sensory cocoon is a combination of several simple yet effective technologies, all of which work together to offer you a highly effective psycho-emotional therapy.

The cocoon room is equipped with an armchair that will massage your whole body from head to toe and warm it up with infrared massage heads. What's more, you'll receive olfactory stimulation from essential oils tailored to your need for relaxation and serenity. You'll be visually immersed in a room with coloured, subdued lighting to ensure maximum relaxation.

Finally, holophonic speaker technology producing four-dimensional sound with exceptional properties will enable you to benefit from energetic music therapy.

This is a new holistic approach that forms part of the framework of brief therapies. It combines psychological, sonomesthetic (perception of sound by the body) and energetic support to help the individual re-tune to his or her original vibratory frequency.

During this sound therapy, it is the body itself and its potential for self-healing that is activated; this potential (not recognised by conventional medicine) exists at the level of each cell and is provided for in the laws of life. The release of the musical information field expresses itself in the physical body, where it is instantly integrated, freeing the person on all levels (physical, emotional and psychological).

The body then regains its power of self-healing by choosing the frequencies it needs to re-tune itself to its vibratory axis and thus reconnect with its Being.

Depending on the programme used, you will be treated to either a hypnosis session, highly relaxing music or a concerto of Tibetan bowls.

Cocoon therapy is very much concerned with the psychic sphere. That's why follow-up with one of our psychologists, who specialises in hypnotherapy, is offered at the end of each cocoon session.